Express Workouts

Gym Workouts – Less than 20 minutes

Before you start any of these exercises please ensure you have completed a warm up (increases heart rate) of at least 5-8 minutes on a piece of cardiovascular equipment of your choice such as cross trainer, bike etc. This will ensure that the muscles and body temperature increases thus decreasing the risk of strains while also enabling your muscles to work more efficiently.

(If you are unsure of any of these exercise please ask myself and I will be happy to demonstrate. As there are risks involved in participating in any exercise please ensure you use safe form through a pain free range of motion.)

I’ve attached 5 categories of exercises pick 1 exercise from each group. Perform this exercise for 30sec. with 10sec. rest inbetween for 2-3 rounds with 30-60sec. rest between rounds. Use dumbbells where you feel capable. When you have completed the workout perform a cool down (reducing heart rate) of another 5-8 minutes to ensure adequate recovery from session through the use of cardiovascular equipment.

Cardio Upper Lower Core Full Body
Jump Squats Push Ups Squats Curl Ups Burpees
High Knees Tricep Dips Lunges Side Plank Push Press
Jumping Lunges Superman’s Clockwork Lunges V-Ups Renegade Row
Ski Hops Shoulder press Lateral Lunge Plank With Toe Taps Mountain Climbers

Tabata timer – You can download an app such as ‘tabata timer’. This will make things easier so you don’t have to keep looking at your watch or a clock as it beeps each time notifying you when to go, rest and finish.

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